Pupil Leadership

Student Leadership at Greengates Primary Academy is made up of important groups:

Pupil Leadership Team


Pupil Safeguarding Team

Reading Ambassadors

Hall Helpers 

Play Leaders

Our Pupil Leadership Team (Academy Council) work to support the leadership of the school and to ensure that all pupils have a voice. 

Our Pupil Leadership Team members are elected by their classmates and meet regularly to discuss key issues. There are two representatives from each class. 

Most recently the Pupil Leadership Team have had an input into the designs of our lunch menu and the creation of our Greengates Pupils Bank Account. 

They have also been working with members of the academy staff to bring forward ideas from all classes about how we can work on our core value – community. Recent ideas have been an Enterprise Day, Easter Fair and Art Gallery. 

Our Eco-Council is made up of students from each class who are passionate about making a difference and helping the school and pupils to review and reduce our impact on the environment around us both in and out of school. The Delta Power Save is one initiative which has been implemented around school.  

Our Reading Ambassadors are helping to inspire and sustain a love of reading across the academy with support from Mrs Whelan. They have already begun to suggest new reading materials and set up book clubs to inspire more children to read. One of their recent ideas was a playtime book club.  

Our Play Leaders are dedicated volunteers from Years 5 and 6 who support with games and activities in the playground. They set up activities and are role models to the younger pupils to support positive friendships and activities within Years 1 and 2. 

Our Pupil safeguarding team have created our child friendly policy. They led assemblies to explain the policy to other children. They have done safety walls around school. Their verdict was that our school is very safe!